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We invite you to browse some of our recent case results to learn more about our past successes and how we have helped people in situations similar to yours.
  • Clear All
  • Case Dismissed Battery

    Two college students arrested for resisting arrest and battery against a police officer, have cases dismissed after litigation in court for one year.

  • Juvenile Case Dismissed

    Juvenile client charged with felony possession of a weapon at their school. After investigation, it was found that there was insufficient evidence to support the charge and the case was dismissed and sealed with all records destroyed pursuant to juvenile court rules.

  • Terminate Sex Offender Registration

    Client had been registering annually on the Sex Offender list since 1992. Attorney Pat Carey filed a petition to Terminate Sex Offender Registration and it was granted. This client will no longer have to register for the first time in 30 years.

  • Plea Deal Secured First-degree residential burglary with a person present
    A plea deal was secured, resulting in no jail time for the client.
  • Charges Dismissed Felony Sexual Assault
    Client arrested in Redondo Beach for multiple sexual assaults based on search warrant of his cell phone.  After a multi day motion during preliminary hearing, we succeeded in having the warrants ruled unlawful by the court and all charges were dismissed and Client was released.
  • 33 Charges Dismissed Fraud
    Client charged with 38 counts of felony fraud has 33 charges dismissed and receives no jail time on remaining charges with the opportunity to have the charges reduced to a misdemeanor and expunged within one year.
  • Charges Reduced Fraud
    Client charged with multiple counts of fraud has charges reduced to a misdemeanor with no jail time.
  • Charges Reduced DUI
    Client arrested in Torrance for driving under the influence has charges dismissed in exchange for reckless driving.
  • Not Guilty Murder
    After a several week murder trial, a mistrial is declared after multiple jurors advise the court that they will not return a guilty verdict.
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