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We invite you to browse some of our recent case results to learn more about our past successes and how we have helped people in situations similar to yours.
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  • Charges Dismissed Probation Violation
    Client on probation with three years of state prison suspended has probation violation charges dismissed after transcript of plea is obtained by our office revealing conduct previously used to justify a state prison commitment was not a true violation of probation.
  • Charges Dropped Domestic Violence
    Client arrested on domestic violence charges.  Cooperation with Manhattan Beach Police Department and presentation of exculpatory information leads to all charges being dropped and arrest being deleted from Client’s record and deemed a detention only per California Penal Code Section 849.5.
  • Charges Dismissed Minor in Possession of Alcohol
    Client charged being a minor in possession of alcohol and facing a one year driver’s license suspension has all charges dismissed.
  • Formal Diversion Domestic Violence
    Domestic violence case settled for formal diversion.
  • Case Dismissed Battery

    Two college students arrested for resisting arrest and battery against a police officer, have cases dismissed after litigation in court for one year.

  • Juvenile Case Dismissed

    Juvenile client charged with felony possession of a weapon at their school. After investigation, it was found that there was insufficient evidence to support the charge and the case was dismissed and sealed with all records destroyed pursuant to juvenile court rules.

  • Charges Reduced Attempted Murder
    Client arrested for attempted murder on her husband has charges reduced and is sentenced to no jail time after submission of defense mental health evaluation and argument of the law on “battered woman’s syndrome”.
  • Charges Dismissed Vehicular Manslaughter
    Minor charged with Vehicular Manslaughter has all charges dismissed and record sealed.
  • Charges Dismissed Unpermitted Marijuana Business
    Client charged with violating Los Angeles Municipal Code for allowing an unpermitted marijuana business to operate on his land was set for trial, but during pretrial motions Pat Carey argue and convinced the court that the law at issue was not one requiring strict liability, leading to the city attorney announcing they are unable to proceed with the case.  All charges were dismissed.
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